Easy Ways To Manage Thyroid


Nowadays thyroid is more common among people, especially in ladies and the reason why is the elevated stress levels and an unhealthy lifestyle. We are often bewildered with the term “THYROID” but we need to gain more and more knowledge as this disorder may not always be preventable but it is treatable.


It is just a gland and the malfunctioning of it which creates disorders in the body. It controls bodily functions such as digestion, growth, development, maintenance of weight, metabolism and also, how fast you burn calories. The thyroid is classified into HYPOTHYROID and HYPERTHYROID.

HYPOTHYROID: It makes your metabolism too slow, as a result, most of the food digested is stored as fats. Whereas in overactive thyroid, calories are burnt quickly. High levels of estrogen and declined levels of progesterone affects the menstrual cycle, also, the testosterone levels are disturbed. It is advised to consult a specialist and talk with your dietitian to balance your thyroid function. Stress is an extremely salient aspect which disturbs the thyroid level in the body. Stress increases cortisol levels which in turn interferes with thyroxine production. Your dietitian will help you guide the best dietary modification and alter your lifestyle rituals. For hypothyroid :

  1. Have iodine-rich diet
  2. Add more of complex carbohydrates like whole grains and pulses
  3. Have a moderate intake of cruciferous family foods such as cauliflowers, cabbages
  4. Go more on lentils and legumes

5. Add plenty of fresh fruits

6. Also, eggs are rich in almost all the nutrients you’ll ever require!

Here are some more suggestions on a healthy lifestyle :

  1. Daily cardio, exercise, and yoga
  2. Neck and breathing exercise
  3. Proper and sound sleep, at least for 6 hours daily, for body repairing time
  4. Meditation to take care of stress levels
  5. Add more on selenium through supplements or add more nuts
  6. Raw virgin cold-pressed coconut oil for salad dressing

Hypo or Hyperthyroidism is a mere lifestyle disorder and it can be easily reversed by following a wholesome and prescribed diet. Moreover, a healthy alteration in your lifestyle is essential for any kind of thyroid maintenance.

Phone: +91-9833838882
Dayanand Anglo Vedic School, 32 , Neena Near, Sector-9, New Panvel East, Near, Navi Mumbai, Maharashtra 410206
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